August 10, 2008

Community Tree Spire: Rainier Vista, Seattle

From the beginning of the tree building process, all of the Monkeys have been committed to the idea that ours was not a project destined for the dusty land of forgotten Burning Man art. We want these trees out in the world, taking root.

In time for Arbor Day 2008, we permanently installed one of the trees at Rainier Vista. We were able to do this through a grant from Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) for the creation and placement of of a community driven art piece, support from Ignition NW, plus additional cash and in-kind donations by Seattle Housing Authority, individuals and local businesses.

Detail of seat back echoing images of the Whirligig story including the full text. Quality plasma cutting courtesy of 2K Metal Works.

Seat back detail. Etching and stainless steel courtesy of Acu-Line Corporation in Fremont.

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