May 24, 2009

Work collage from the weekend of May 17th

This weekend we were finalizing the position of the hand using a ring that is close to the size of the egg at the point the hand is grabbing it.

Medic and Cyra are working on some of the rings for the egg

Tapers and scrolls being made for the finger bones
Kirsten, Kay and Alex

Kay and Kirsten making hoops for the egg using the rolling mill

Karla tapering and Ryan working in the back ground

Scape goat (Garwood) working out some measurements for the bone scrolls

Chris Concentrating

May 23, 2009

New Monkeys trying out the shop

Cyra Grinding

Alex and Cyra doing some forming

Ryan doing some grinding

Alex making large rings for the egg

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May 8, 2009

Incunabulum - BONES

Today Medic and KristIn came to the shop and started working on the scrolls we will use to make the bone structure for the hand

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May 3, 2009

working on the egg

So this weekend we worked on the egg

First we made a series of rings about the shape and size for different parts of the egg

We then welded the ends together

then we made cross pieces and cut a center pole the length of the egg (9 - 1/2 feet tall)

and this is what the egg would look like if you stepped on it.... more next week
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